Congresswoman Fischbach Seeks Another Term in Congress
Litchfield, Minnesota – Today, Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach announced her campaign for another term as the Seventh District Representative. Fischbach was elected to Congress in 2020 and recently secured re-election with over 70% of the vote. “It is a … Continue reading Congresswoman Fischbach Seeks Another Term in Congress
Litchfield, Minnesota – U.S. Representative Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) issued the following statement in reaction to tonight’s decisive Republican primary victory: “I am happy with this validation of the work I have done and will continue to do on … Continue reading STATEMENT FROM REP. MICHELLE FISCHBACH ON HER DECISIVE PRIMARY VICTORY
Congress To Subpoena Biden’s Doctor Over External Medical Visits, Demanding Medical Records Amid Dementia Allegations
President Joe Biden’s appearance during the first Presidential Debate has sparked concerns regarding his health, leading to potential congressional actions. Click here to read the full article.
In East Grand Forks visit, U.S. Rep. Michelle Fischbach talks future plans, checks in with local communities
EAST GRAND FORKS — Rural ambulances, the farm bill and taxes are three things U.S. Rep. Michelle Fischbach is planning to bring back to Washington, D.C., following conversations with Minnesota’s local leaders. Click here to read the full … Continue reading In East Grand Forks visit, U.S. Rep. Michelle Fischbach talks future plans, checks in with local communities