Fischbach’s Conservative Record – Fighting the Radical Left

Note : Actions are from the current Session of Congress, the 119th, are in bold. Previous actions from her first (117) and second (118) terms are noted, where appropriate. Last updated : 3/14/25

Protecting Freedoms

  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit the Federal reserve banks from offering or the use of central bank digital currency (CBDC) for monetary policy. (H.R. 1919) – 119, 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to repeal the Corporate Transparency Act that requires companies to report beneficial ownership information. (H.R. 425, Repealing Big Brother Overreach Act)
  • Co-sponsored a constitutional amendment to limit the number of terms that a Member of Congress may serve. (H.J.Res 12) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget. (H.J.Res 10)
  • Voted AYE for a probable cause warrant requirement amendment to the FISA Reauthorization of Section 702. Voted NAY on final passage of FISA since the bill lacked the warrant requirement. (H.R. 2670) – 118
  • Co-sponsored and voted for the resolution denouncing the horrors of socialism – 118, 117
  • Voted to pass H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights to protect key parental rights, ensuring schools are a place of learning and growth, and that parents can have an influence in the schools without fear of reprisal. – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to provide protections for health care providers that refuse to participate in abortions based on religious beliefs or other convictions. (H.R. 6060, Conscience Protection Act) – 117
  • Authored bill to prioritize parental choice and open the doors for more home-, family-, and faith-based child care options. (H.R. 1963, Child Care Choices Act) – 117


  • Co-Chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus
  • Authored bill to defund Planned Parenthood. (H.R. 271 Defund Planned Parenthood Act) – 119, 118, co-sponsor in 117
  • Authored bill to prohibit federal funding to entities that perform abortions. (H.R. 272, Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to declare that life begins at conception, and therefore, is entitled to legal protection from that point forward. (H.R. 722, Life at Conception Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, H.R. 7 – 119, 118, 117
  • Voted AYE to ensure that infants born alive after an attempted abortion receive the same protection of law and degree of care as any newborn. (H.R. 21, Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act) – co-sponsor in 118, 117
  • Authored the Health, Opportunity, Protecting Life, Education to support positive alternatives to abortion by increasing access to care, information, and resources. (H.R. 1126, HOPE Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit abortions when an unborn child’s heartbeat is detected. (H.R. 175, Heartbeat Protection Act) – 118, 117

Second Amendment

  • Co-sponsored bill to protect law-abiding citizens’ rights to conceal carry and travel freely between states without worrying about conflicting state codes or onerous civil suits. (H.R. 38, Conceal Carry Reciprocity Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit the federal government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm trade associations or businesses. (H.R. 45, FIND Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture from prohibiting the use of lead ammunition or tackle on certain Federal lands or waters. (H.R. 556, Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers)
  • Co-sponsored bill to provide recourse for Americans who were improperly denied the ability to legally purchase a firearm due to administrative errors. (H.R. 7873, Firearm Due Process Protection Act) – 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to increase penalties for the theft of a firearm from a licensed importer, dealer, or manufacturer, or from their business premises. (H.R. 2620, Federal Licensee Protection Act) – 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit financial institutions and credit card companies from using a merchant category code that separately categorizes gun and ammunition transactions. (H.R. 3021, Protecting the Second Amendment in Financial Services Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored and voted for the resolution to block the stabilizing braces rule for firearms. (H.J.Res. 44) – 118
  • Signed Amicus Brief to vacate the ATF’s arm brace rule in the Firearm Regulatory Accountability Coalition lawsuit. (11/28/2023) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit federal funding of state firearm ownership databases. (H.R. 1827, Gun Owner Registration Information Protection Act) – 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to remove the category of “any other weapon” from the definition of firearm under the National Firearms Act. (H.R. 6817, No Backdoor Gun Control Act) – 117

Fighting for the District

  • Authored bill to remove regulatory barriers to capital investment in order to provide support for facilities providing healthcare, education, child care, public safety, and other vital services in rural areas. (H.R. 1246, Investing in Rural America Act) – 119, 118
  • Authored bill to overturn the CMS minimum staffing requirement rule for skilled nursing facilities. (H.R. 1303, Protecting America’s Seniors Access to Care Act) – 119, 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to protect federal funding for pharmacy and nursing residency programs that was unfairly clawed back by CMS. (H.R. 1708, Rebuild America’s Health Care Schools Act) – 119, 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to enable access for sustainable aviation fuels to increase domestic energy security and foster the farm economy. (H.R. 1719, Farm to Fly Act)
  • Co-sponsored bill to allow year-round sales of E-15 fuel. (H.R. 1346, Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to exempt family farms as an asset for college grants programs. (H.R. 1131, Family Farm and Small Business Exemption Act)
  • Co-sponsored bill to modify the definition of a “rural” area to support surface transportation infrastructure projects in communities with populations less than 30,000. (H.R. 502, Protecting Infrastructure Investments for Rural America Act) 
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit the use of a market name of a dairy product unless the food comes from a hooved animal. (H.R. 1462, Dairy Pride Act) – 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to rebalance the cattle market by easing regulatory barriers and offering U.S. Department of Agriculture meat processing grants for small processors looking to expand. (H.R. 559, Butcher Block Act) – 118, 117
  • Co-hosted a Ways and Means Committee field hearing titled “Trade in America: Agriculture and Critical Supply Chains” in Kimball on 7/10/23 – 118
  • Sent letter to Gov. Walz denouncing the “North Star Act” to turn Minnesota into a sanctuary state, and urging him to veto it if passed by the legislature. (2/20/2024) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to prevent California from burdening farmers and ranchers across the country with their radical anti-agriculture regulations. (H.R. 4417, Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to spur investment in undercapitalized or underserved rural communities. (H.R. 3906, Rural Opportunity Zone and Investment Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to protect American food products from unfair trade practices by foreign countries, especially European Union countries’ protectionism over common food names. (H.R. 3423, Safeguarding American Value-Added Exports Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to expand the use of 529 tax-free savings accounts to non-degree technical training certificate programs. (H.R. 329, American Workforce Empowerment Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to require the Agriculture Secretary to allow emergency haying under the conservation reserve program during nesting season. (H.R. 4710, CRP Flexibility Act) -117


  • Co-sponsored bill to repeal the death (estate) tax. (H.R. 1301, Death Tax Repeal Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to make permanent provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that affect small businesses. (H.R. 703, Main Street Tax Certainty Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to make permanent the enhanced standard deductions for individual filers. (H.R. 523, Permanent Tax Cuts for American Families Act) – 119, 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to permanently extend the new markets tax credit for financing of businesses and community facilities in low-income and rural areas. (H.R. 1103, New Markets Tax Credit Extension Act)
  • Co-sponsored bill to increase the deduction cap for small businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment needed to expand their operations. (H.R. 3661, Small Business Growth Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to make permanent the full and immediate expensing of new investments in the year they are purchased. (H.R. 2406, ALIGN Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored resolution to support the importance of the stepped-up basis in preserving family-owned farms and small businesses. (H.Res. 237) – 118, 117


  • Co-sponsored bill to ensure veterans’ access to mental health care in their local communities. (H.R. 3554) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit the VA from sending information to NICS on veterans (or beneficiaries) who need help with managing their benefits. (H.R. 705, Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored the Major Richard Star Act that would allow combat-disabled uniformed services retirees with fewer than 20 years of creditable service to concurrently receive, without reduction, veterans’ disability compensation and retired pay or combat-related special compensation. (H.R. 1282) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to update health care and benefits for veterans who have been exposed to toxic substances, including the extension of the eligibility period for VA hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care. (H.R. 6659, Health Care for Burn Pit Veterans Act) – 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to prioritize grants in areas with a critical shortage of veterans service officers, areas with high rates of suicide among veterans, and areas with high rates of referrals to the Veterans Crisis Line. (H.R. 4601, Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach Act) – 117
  • Voted for the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act to address the health care, presumption of service-connection, and resources for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during military service. (S. 3373, PACT Act) – 117

Congressional Authority

  • Co-sponsored bill to return wolf management programs to the states. (H.R. 845, Pet and Livestock Protection Act) – 119, 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored bill to strengthen the requirements for government agencies to analyze the impact of regulations on small businesses. (H.R. 1163, Prove It Act) – 119, 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to extend the statute of limitations for federal criminal charges or civil enforcement actions for Covid-relief related fraud from 5 to 10 years. (H.R. 1156, Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Enforcement Act)
  • Co-sponsored bill to sunset regulations that were established under Chevron deference. (H.R. 274, Sunset Chevron Act)
  • Co-sponsored resolution for a constitutional amendment to keep the Supreme Court at nine Justices. (H.J.Res 28) – 119, 118, Author in 117
  • Co-sponsored and voted for the bill to broaden the Congressional Review Act to require congressional approval of major rules—those with an annual price tag of $100 million or more. (H.R. 277, REINS Act) – 118, 117
  • Co-sponsored and voted for the resolution to reverse the Biden Administration’s flawed and burdensome “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule. (H.J.Res 27) – 118, 117
  • Led oversight effort regarding the $200 million + Feeding Our Future fraud. Co-sponsored the Feeding Children not Fraudsters Act of 2023, which strengthens audit and oversight controls over COVID-19 pandemic assistance programs. (H.R. 4786) – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit the IRS from establishing new reporting requirements for banks or other financial institutions, such as any transaction over $600. (H.R. 1010, Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored and voted for the resolution to overturn the Department of Labor’s rule to allow plan fiduciaries to consider climate change and other environmental, social and governance factors when they select retirement investments. (H.J.Res 30) – 118
  • Unraveled Hunter Biden’s “sweetheart” plea deal after releasing Ways & Means Committee testimony from IRS whistleblowers. – 118


  • Voted to pass H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to increase domestic energy production, reform permitting processes, reverse the administration’s anti-energy policies, and boost the production and processing of critical minerals. – 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to restrict the EPA from issuing any waiver for new regulations that would ban the sale or use of new motor vehicles with internal combustion engines. (H.R. 1435, Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act) – 118
  • Co-sponsored resolution that an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy is the most viable approach to energy policy. (H.Res 339) – 118, 117
  • Authored a bill to prohibit the Department of the Interior from entering into a conservation easement with a term of more than 50 years and to give owners of existing easements the option to renegotiate, renew, or buy it out. (H.R 7021, Landowner Easement Rights Act) – 117
  • Co-sponsored legislation to authorize and begin construction on the Keystone XL Pipeline. (H.R. 684) – 117

Foreign Policy

  • Co-sponsored bill to prohibit Chinese acquisition of American farmland. (H.R. 1575, No American Land for Communist China Act) – 119, 118
  • Co-sponsored bill to prevent taxpayer funds going to the World Health Organization. (H.R. 343, No Taxpayer Funding for the WHO Act) – 118
  • Voted AYE to cut off all U.S. military aid to Ukraine (H.R. 2670, Amendment 22, National Defense Authorization Act) – 118
  • Authored bill to support Taiwan’s ties and agreements with other countries around the world and push against China’s attempts to interfere with Taiwan’s international relations. (H.R. 6069) – 118
  • Voted AYE to remove Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee – 118

Border Security

  • Co-sponsored bill to require the Department of Homeland Security to return aliens to Mexico while their immigration proceedings are pending. (H.R. 273, Remain in Mexico Act)
  • Co-sponsored and voted AYE on the Laken Riley Act, to detain illegal aliens who commit theft. (H.R. 29)
  • Co-sponsored bill to defund sanctuary cities that harbor illegal immigrants (H.R. 32, No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act) – 119, 118
  • Voted for H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, which would finish the border wall, end catch and release, streamline the asylum process, and increase the number of border patrol agents. – 118
  • Voted AYE (twice) to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkas refusing to enforce federal immigration law, and subjecting Americans to an unrelenting invasion of illegal immigrants, drugs, and gangs. (H. Res. 863) – 118

Election Integrity

  • Co-sponsored bill to ensure only legal votes count with nationwide voter ID requirements. (H.R. 22, SAVE Act) – 119, 118
  • Co-sponsored the American Confidence in Elections Act, which provides states with improved tools to strengthen election integrity and mandatory photo ID to vote. (H.R. 4563) – 118
  • Signed letter with fellow incoming freshman calling for Congressional investigations into the irregularities of the 2020 election. – 117
  • Signed letter to MN Secretary of State Steve Simon to investigate allegations of non-citizens voting after a 1/10/23 legislative committee hearing at which a DACA recipient said, “We are voting.” -117
  • Voted to reject Presidential Electors from Arizona and Pennsylvania because the allegations of irregularities and fraud were too voluminous to ignore. – 117

Support for President Trump

  • Donated to his recount efforts on 11/6/2020 and sent emails soliciting others to contribute. 
  • Gave national media interviews on how the left would “find the votes” needed to defeat him – and continue to have the left use those words against her. [One interview on Christian radio 11/5/20, listen at 29:30)
  • As a Member-Elect, signed a letter with other Members-Elect to Nancy Pelosi to investigate verified reports of ballots with missing or unverified signatures and missing and unaccounted voting machine memory cards. 
  • Voted against the Electors from Arizona and Pennsylvania on only her third day on the job.
  • Voted against Nancy Pelosi’s second impeachment of President Trump in January 2021.
  • Defended Trump allies Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows on the House Floor when the democrats were attempting to hold them in contempt of Congress, calling it a political exercise to attack President Trump with no legitimate legislative purpose.
  • In November 2023, helped the Republican Party of Minnesota raise money as the Plaintiffs in the lawsuit to prevent President Trump from being removed from the 2024 Minnesota Presidential Primary ballot.
  • Endorsed Donald J. Trump for President on January 3, 2024 before any of the caucuses or primary elections were held.
  • In late January 2024, signed the amicus brief arguing that Colorado’s primary ballot decision oversteps Congress’ authorities and is an abuse of the justice system for political purposes.
  • In March 2024, signed the amicus brief supporting Presidential immunity for former President Trump.

Voting Record by the Numbers

Note : FreedomWorks closed for good on 5/8/24

American Conservative Union: 81%  (Accessed 3/20/25:

Americans for Prosperity: 92%  (Accessed 3/20/25:

Conservative Review’s “Liberty Score”: 83%  (Accessed 3/20/25: (

Club for Growth: 88%  (Accessed 3/20/25:

Family Research Council Action: 100% (Accessed: 3/20/25:

Gun Owners of America: A rated  (Accessed 3/20/25:

Heritage Action: 93%  (Accessed 3/20/25:

Institute for Legislative Analysis: 83% (Accessed 3/20/25:

National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB): 92% (Accessed 3/20/25:

National Right to Life: 100%  (Accessed 3/20/25:

National Rifle Association: A rated (Last accessed 10/21/24: This is the most recent rating available as of 3/20/25.)

National Shooting Sports Foundation: A+ rated and Dean’s List (Accessed 3/20/25 :

NumbersUSA: 78%  (Accessed 3/20/25: